Tropical Tosti

Today lunch was a pantry raid as it was Sunday and I was too lazy to go outside. As it was cold and rainy I was craving for something comforting (as always). So a toastie with smelting hot cheese seemed like the way to go. Dreaming about white beaches and palm trees I remained in the tropical spheres. I stumbled across some ham, cheese, Carrot, zucchini, limes, mango chutney, coconut yogurt and red curry. Yes it might sound like an odd combination but it actually makes sense! Many Caribbean flavours which kind of reminded me of a pizza Hawaii. Start by heating the panini grill so it can become very hot. If you don't preheat your grill your sandwich might end up getting stuck. Start slice the veggies into long, thin strokes and grill them so they will turn soft and sweet. Spoon some chutney on both slices of whole grain bread, it will act as a glue to stick your veggies on the sandwich. Now add a layer of cheese a on both sides and sprinkle with a dash of curry spices. You can choose which ever flavour cheese you prefer best but I like a young cheese as it melts better and will act like a second 'glue' component. Finally add a layers of ham and quickly slap the two slices of bread together. Don't worry you will develop a skill fast enough! Place the sandwich under the hot grill and keep a close eye. Make a quick dipping sauce with the yogurt, lime Zest, lime juice, chutney and curry. Some sauce is always a must for me personally! Check to see whether your toastie is done and cut halfway through. Still will allow for maximum dipping surface! It does require a bit of love but certainly worth the while! A tropical twist on your basic bread!
Ingredients: 2 slices of whole-grain bread, 60 grams of carrots, 60 grams of zucchini, 60 ml of Greek coconut yogurt, 50 grams of grilled ham, 1 tablespoon of mango chutney, 1 tablespoon of green curry, 1 teaspoon of smoked sea salt.