Seafood celebration
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This meal was a real treat because I had just finished an important project for my study. That is why my mom wanted to surprise me with a fancy dish. As I was allowed to pick any groceries I fancied I immediately choose sea food. As I was deciding between prawns or tuna my mom replied: why not both? So I picked both! As these seafood combine really well with leave greens such is spinach and samphire. The tomatoes add a sweet flavour and the cauliflower couscous gives it a crunchy texture along with the sesame seeds. The salad itself is kept very bas8c and simple in preparation as the flavours are so delicate themselves. Chop up the cauliflower in a kitchen machine and sauté the couscous with a tablespoon of curry. Grill the tuna for 2 minutes on both sides until it seems blushing pink. This way you will get a seared skin yet ensure the fish will not overcook too fast. Blanch the samphire for 1 minute in boiling water and rinse generously. Mix the spinach and romaine lettuce with the cilantro as spread around on the plate. This will be the Base for your salad. Add the samphire, halved cherry tomatoes and couscous. Place the tuna on top, sprinkle the little, pink prawns over and garnish with a pinch of toasted sesame seeds. A colourful looking plate full of delicious little bites. A harmonious array of flavours for a special occasion. Made in a flash and achieved with little effort.
Ingredients: 125 grams of cauliflower, 100 grams of tuna, 100 gram Of romaine salad, 100 grams of spinach, 75 grams of Dutch prawns, 75 grams of cherry tomatoes, 50 grams of samphire, 15 grams of cilantro, 1 tablespoon sesame seeds, 1 tablespoon of green curry.