Protein platter

Sometimes you can have a morning that felt like a rocket race. Whenever this occurs it is very important to grab a moment to re-fuel, re-energize and re-focus! A protein packed platter is one of the best ways to nourish your body before the busy afternoon kicks off. A big scrambled omelet with seaweed, marinated cherry tomatoes in some balsamic vinigre, wilted spinach, smoked carpaccio and multi-seed crackers. The eggs are a deliciously creamy and filling protein source, yet cheap. The seaweed provides that umami flavor and many nutritions. The veggies are best enjoyed when bought freshly at a lacal market. An important thing to note is that you should never store your tomatoes in the fridge. They will loose their juicy, sweet flavor and become starchy. The smoked beef is one of my all time favorite and savoured best one a crunchy cracker with a crack of pepper and salt. This plate is actually a small kind of tapas full with yummy stuffs! Everything is made in a flash giving you some extra time to sit back and just look around, watch people go by.