(entree) Fancy Veggie carpaccio

This recipe is more an entree than a dinner. It might be a good starter if you are making a somewhat more hearty meal dish. It is basically a light, refreshing salad made from several kinds of tomatoes sliced into odd shapes and sizes. This recipe is more of a summer style salad because this is the best time to get hold of the more tropical, unknown sorts of tomatoes. If you still want to make this dish during the autumn or fall I recommend turning to cherry tomatoes, coeur du buff tomatoes, tasty Tom and the plain old, normal tomato. These are almost all year round for sale. Match these with a good vinaigrette and fresh herbs to elevate the dish to the next level. It does not have to involve throwing a hundred different products together to create something outstanding. I recommend sticking to the basics and picking a good quality oil, some acid, seasoning and fresh herbs. For a twist I sprinkle over some seaweed flakes to give it a dark and surprising look and.
Ingredients: 200 grams of mixed tomatoes (green zebra tomatoes, plum red tomatoes, yellow cherry tomatoes, sungold tomatoes), 15 grams of fresh parsley, 1 tablespoon of seaweed flakes, 1 teaspoon of lime, 1 teaspoon of mirin, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, 1 teaspoon of lemon pepper