Instagram / Facebook / HAN student
Blog content
Daily posts
On instagram I post small, daily updates about things occuring in my daily student life. Often it will be either food related or events that happen due to my exciting student exsistence. I never sit still and am always trying to discover new experiences which will enhance me as a person. Nice meals, a good laugh with friends or little adventures that happen to come across my path.
Weekly recipes
Apart from my daily posts I love to write somewhat more elaborate posts. Whether these are new and exciting recipes I have tried out with new ingredients or an opnionated post where I show my take on the latest trends. These are weekly posted on my facebook page with a pretty visual of the results. The recipes contain a list of ingredients and a detailed instruction so they are easy to try yourself.
Blogging for Food&Business events
Aside from being a freelance blogger I also have to pleasure to regular updates about the latest Food&Business events. By writing blogs about the latest in and out, workshops and events I hope the inspire and excite fellow students to engage more with extracuriculum activities and develop themselves as true food fanatics.