Tongue tickling tuna

TUNA, omg I feel so lucky. Unfortunately tuna is becoming an endangered species and the circumstances under which they are caught are very animal unfriendly. So normally I won't buy it unless I know the fisher men at the local market. Luckily I have connections so I know that I can trust the fish I buy. As I planned a nice dinner with friends they told me I could choose whatever I wanted so I decided to play it a bit more fancy than usual. A nice, juicy piece of tuna does not need a lot of extras. Just a pinch of sea salt and lemon pepper will do. Also tuna is a kind of fish that does not need the be baked all the way through. It middle can be serve raw, so its optimal method of preparation is grilling. Preheat the grilling pan so the tuna only needs 2 minutes on each side to create those golden brown marks on that delicate, white skin. Because I served a three course meal I wanted to showcase the tuna in a delicious main dish on top of a colourful salad. Spinach and samphire are both two kinds greens that accentuate the salty flavours of the sea. Cherry tomatoes are a welcome addition which add a bit of colour contrast and a sweet burst of juiciness. Cilantro is a kind of herb I can always use, whatever style I'm cooking. Whether it is Asian, Italian or Mediterranean cilantro will always be a good supplement to a salad. The salad itself does not need a lot of preparation. The samphire will need to be blanched and the tomatoes need to be cut so they won't literally burst in your mouth. Assemble the salad, starting with the baby spinach. Add the samphire on top of the spinach so it is will wilted slightly. Casually sprinkle the halved tomatoes around the greens and place the tuna on top. Finish with some extra seasoning and serve with a big smile. My friends rather wanted to eat a piece of meat, however when they saw my plate appear they looked somewhat jealous. Better luck next time guys.

Ingredients: 125 grams of tuna, 125 grams of cherry tomatoes, 100 grams of samphire, 75 grams of baby spinach, 15 grams of fresh cilantro, 1 teaspoon of black sea salt, 1 teaspoon of lemon pepper

Van Dorp & Richter, Arena 255, Amsterdam, 1213 NW, +31(0)123456789
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