Spicy kale with smoked sausage and pumpkin puree

This, to me, screams autumn on a plate. The vibrant orange colour of the butternut puree, and sautéed kale with fragrant sage and warmth of the has el hanoet and the typically Dutch smoked sausage on top. If you want it traditionally Dutch I suggest replacing the pumpkin with potatoes. However, I like the sweet notes the pumpkin add to the dish. Making it is easy peaty as we Dutch people like simple, comfort food during a cold days. Start by cutting the pumpkin into chunks and roasting it tender in the oven for 45 minutes at 200 degree. Before placing the tray in the oven add the finely chopped sage. This way it will turn crisp and flavour the pumpkin to a better extent. Heat a wok pan and add to this the pre-cut kale and seasonings. Stew the kale with a splash of water until it has softened. This will take about 20 minutes depending on how coarse you have chopped the kale. Once the kale is simmering for 5 minutes place the smoked sausage on top and place a lid over the pan. Once everything is done smash the pumpkin into puree, discard the skins. Stir in the veggies and cut the meat into 1 cm slices. If you want to make it extra decadent you could opt for a little sauce. But I don't find it necesarry as the pumpkin has a natural silky texture.

Ingredients: 200 grams of pumpkin, 150 grams of kale, 100 grams of smoked sausage, 10 grams of fresh sage, 1 teaspoon of has el hanoet, 1 teaspoon of sea salt.

Van Dorp & Richter, Arena 255, Amsterdam, 1213 NW, +31(0)123456789
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