Killer combi: cake sandwich

Sometimes I like to go for a real decadent lunch. However, when I'm broke I tend to get creative with whatever I have lying around. While experimenting with a recipe For A Sweet Sandwich I stumbled Upon A Delicious Combination. As I wanted to make a traditional peanut butter banana sandwich I saw I had some cake left. I had baked a cake with gingerbread spices a couple of days ago but it still was not finished. The cake had become somewhat stale and I was too lazy to do something with it. So I decided to throw in on my sandwich! As it was somewhat dry it needed more moisture. Therefore I added a thick, Creamy of Greek yogurt layer mixed with some cinnamon. A double bonus is that it acts as kind of glue so the cake will actually stick to the banana. The recipe basically explain itself. Slice two thick slices of sesame bread. Spread on a layer of mixed nut butter on both slices. Chop the banana in thin slices and layer them on top of the peanut butter. Spoon a tablespoon of yogurt on each side of the fruit and finally add a generous amount of crumbled cake in between. Carefully slap both sides on each other and slice in half. A real treat without breaking your budget!

Ingredients: two slices of sesame bread, one banana, 60 grams of homemade cake (with gingerbread spices), 35 gram of Greek yogurt, 20 grams of nut butter, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.

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